News and Updates

Picture of Dr. Pleil

Dr. Kristen Pleil receives a Prestigious Presidential Award for her Research and Leadership

ignacio drug development 2025

The Drug Development Course "From Molecule to Prescription" began today with a stimulating lecture by Dr. Ignacio Rodriguez.

ignacio drug development 2025 2


Congratulations goes out to Annalisa Ferrotta in Dr. Mellinghoff's lab for being awarded a 2025 PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship in Translational Medicine.

lia and kristen paper 2025

Lia Zallar, Jacob Geri, and Kristen Pleil publish a key paper on alcohol drinking, with an interview by the BBC.

Click here to the publication article
Click here to read the WCM News article... 

Gudas and Nanus 3

Drs. Lorraine Gudas and David Nanus received DOD Funding to Develop a New Type of Kidney Cancer Treatment. Click for more

Dr. Francis Collins

Former NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins gave a stimulating keynote speech at the opening of Weill Cornell's Center for Genomic Health.

Pharm retreat

November 3/4, 2024: We held our Pharmacology PhD Program Retreat at the IBM Conf. Center in Armonk, NY. Lots of great science and comaraderie!

califf robert

FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf Visits Weill Cornell Dr. Califf was interviewed by Dean Harrington and a wide range of topics was covered!

nowak and serio

Drs. Ryan Serio and Dawid Nowak have published exciting data on prostate cancer metastasis!

pharmacology graduate program new york city

Congratulations to one of our Cancer Pharmacology T32 trainees, Avelyn Mae V. Delos Reyes, who has a publication in Nature with her advisor, Dr. Derek Tan!

Click here to read the article.....

Mancinelli Chiara

Congratulations to Chiara Mancinelli, one of our talented PhD students, on the publication of her research in PNAS!

Ari Melnick Pharmacology

May 16, 2024: Graduation Day for our PhD graduates at Carnegie Hall.

Dr. Ari Melnick is awarded the Siegel Award for Outstanding Medical Research at the
Graduation Ceremony.  After the ceremony, a luncheon was held for the graduates at the Plaza Hotel. A festive day!  For more pictures... click here
toth 2-

Dr. Miklos Toth, the first Arleen B. Rifkind, MD Professor in the Department of Pharmacology

Weill Cornell Medicine announced the appointment of Dr. Miklos Toth as the first Arleen B. Rifkind, MD Professor in the Department of Pharmacology. The professorship was established in memory of Dr. Rifkind who died in 2021 and was for 51 years a member of the WCM faculty. The professorship is to be held “by an outstanding member of the WCM faculty engaged in basic research in the field of pharmacology or toxicology”.

Dr. Toth is a distinguished neuropharmacologist and a...

lonny levin

Congratulations to Dr. Lonny Levin for being selected to receive an Excellence in Medical Education Award!

pharmacology new york city

Congratulations to Dr. Kristen Pleil for winning the Pharmacology PhD Program Mentoring Award for 2024!

Pictured are Drs. Silver, Pleil, Lu, and Hempstead at convocation during the award ceremony on May 15, 2024. 
pharmacology new york city

Pharmacology student, Andrew Rappa just received an F31 award from the NIDDK for his proposal.

The title of his proposal is: Activation of ATF6 Drives Pancreatic Beta Cell Dysfunction. Congratulations!

dvrs 2024

The Weill Cornell PhD Student DuVigneaud Symposium Today! Lots of great posters....

dvrs 2024

Pharmacology Dept. members enjoy the eclipse-great viewing in NYC!

Pharmacology Dept. members enjoy the eclipse-great viewing in NYC!

Pharmacology Dept. members enjoy the eclipse-great viewing in NYC!

lonny statmadness news 2024

Congratulations Dr. Lonny Levin for receiving the fan favorite “STAT Madness All-Star” award!

jaffrey nsf 2024

Dr. Samie Jaffrey is awarded a new grant from NSF for RNA research!


Dr. Roberto Levi has been appointed JPET Viewpoint Editor!

Dr. Roberto Levi, Professor of Pharmacology, who has been an Associate Editor of the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (JPET) for many years, has been recently appointed JPET Viewpoint Editor, having spearheaded and currently directing a novel initiative based on a new article category called "Viewpoints" meant to improve the appeal and scientific standing of the Journal.  JPET Viewpoints present a new and/or unique...

Mijin Kim, PhD

Mijin Kim, PhD, who completed her postdoctoral research in Dr. Heller’s lab, has been recognized with the prestigious Wunderkind award by STAT, the well-regarded news site covering science and medicine.

gudas dikun tang

Dr. Krysta DiKun, a Pharmacology PhD student in the Gudas lab, just had a paper published in PNAS. The title is: "Retinoic acid receptor α activity in proximal tubules prevents kidney injury and fibrosis" by Dr. DiKun, Dr. Gudas, Dr. Tang, et al.


The Drug Discovery Course Begins! Today, Dr. Rodriguez gave the introductory lecture...for more here




Congratulations to Drs. Jason Dumelie, Chen, Gross and Jaffrey on their recent Nature Chemical Biology paper. For more information, click here

Gingerbread Weill Cornell Medicine

The 2023 Holiday Season is here-you can visit this gingerbread Weill Cornell Medicine representation at the Museum of the City of New York!

Kymora Scotland MD-PHD

New Alumni News! Congratulations go out to Dr. Kymora Scotland an alumni from the Gudas Lab!

Great news! Congratulations go out to Dr. Kymora Scotland, who did her PhD research in Dr. Lorraine Gudas' lab in the Pharmacology PhD Program.  For more, click here to read more...


Dr. Marta Melis is promoted to Assistant Research Professor in the Pharmacology Dept. Congratulations go to Dr. Melis!!

Picture of Drs. Buck and Levin

NIH Center Grant Bolsters Male Contraceptive Research. Congratulations to Drs. Buck and Levin.

pleil 1

Dr. Kristen Pleil was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor as of July 1, 2023. Congratulations to Kristen on her promotion!!

Alumni News - Pharmacology

New Alumni News!

Dr. Juliana Xu, former PhD student graduated from Dr. Gudas here for more


Congratulations to Drs. Daniel Hirschhorn, Sadna Budhu, Taha Merghoub, & Jedd Wolchok for their new Cell paper! click below for more...

James mskcc

Dr. James Lo was recently elected to the American Society for Clinical Investigation. Congratulations, James!

buck levin balbach

Drs. Lonny Levin, Jochen Buck, and Melanie Balbach's research is getting attention in the news! Click here for more.


Drs. Despic and Jaffrey publish key findings in Nature! Click here for more.

pharmacology graduate program new york city

Drug Development Course: From Molecule to Prescription.. begins Thurs, January 5, 2023 in on this news post for all details..

pharmacology graduate program new york city

A new F31 Award for Pharmacology PhD student, Chiara Mancinelli!

The title of her proposal is: Elucidating the Effects of Post-Translational Modifications on Tau Binding to F-actin and PSD95.
Congratulations are in order!

A recent article by Drs. Meinke, Levin, Buck, and colleagues was just featured by the senior editor of the J. of Medicinal Chemistry, Dr. Lindsey.


Dr. Omar Abdel-Wahab is appointed Chair of the Molecular Pharmacology and Chemistry Program, Sloan-Kettering Institute, and the Weill Cornell Pharmacology PhD Program Co-Chairman.

He succeeds Dr. David Scheinberg, who ably led the division and the PhD Program for 20 years.


pharmacology new york city

Drs. Taha Merghoub & Jon Zippin just published a key paper in Cell Reports on sAC & cancer!

Click to here to see the paper..
postdoc research day 2022

The Weill Cornell Postdoctoral Fellows Research Day is Held In Person Again! For more pictures, of the events, click here

pharmacology new york city gudas lab

Dr. Gudas is awarded a $1 million, three-year grant from the Department of Defense’s Kidney Cancer Research Program!

Congratulations to Dr. Gudas on receiving a grant from the U.S. Department of Defense to study a protein linked to clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC), a form of kidney cancer! To read the full news article, click here.

Pharmacology Seminars Fall 2022

David Bauer Ph.D. & Min Xia, Ph.D. (Postdoc Seminar Series)

David Bauer Ph.D.

Seminar Talk Title: “A New Theranostic Tool - Diagnostics and Therapy with Radiolead”.


Min Xia, Ph.D. 

Seminar Talk Title: "Precision therapy for DLBCL by targeting B cell receptor pathway and the mechanism for therapeutic resistance."

Emmanuel P. Giannelis, Ph.D.

Emmanuel P. Giannelis, Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering Vice President for Research and Innovation, Cornell University

Seminar Talk Title:

“A Nanotechnologist’s View of Biomedicine”.

pharmacology new york city gudas lab

Dr. Jorge Baquero, a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Gudas' lab, is the recipient of a Jumpstart Award!

The Jumpstart Program supports investigators during the critical period of career development spanning from the completion of research training to the early years on faculty at Weill Cornell Medicine. By providing one year of initial funding, with the opportunity of up to $300,000 over three years, the program aims to assist investigators as they apply for a National Institutes of Health K award, an early-career grant that lays the foundation to conduct independent...
pharmacology graduate program new york city

CONGRATULATIONS Ifé Akano and Ahmed Mahmoud and their mentors Drs. Yael David and Karuna Ganesh, respectively on receiving the prestigious HHMI Gilliam Fellowship!

Read more about this news here....


Dr. Qiuying Chen was just promoted to Associate Professor of Research in the Pharmacology Dept. Congratulations to Qiuying for this well-deserved promotion!

Jian Shen and Lorraine Gudas

Dr. Jian Shen, who did his PhD research with Dr. Gudas, made a 7-figure gift to fund the new medical and graduate student residence on York Ave. and 74th St.

Two study rooms, adjacent to each other on the main floor, will be named the "Lorraine J Gudas, PhD Room" and the "Olaf Andersen, MD Room" in honor of two professors Dr. Shen holds in the highest regard. Here is a picture of Dr. Shen and Dr. Gudas in 2016 when he stopped by to visit Dr. Gudas.

pharmacology graduate program new york city

May 26, 2022: Ifé Akano was given the Student Service Award, along with Thais Klevorn. Congratulations, Ifé!

Ifeh was a graduate assistant for the ACCESS Program, launched a new program pairing college students with graduate mentors to guide them through grad school applications, and is Co-President of TORC, where she co-organized the first annual Tri-I Outreach Fair.
pharmacology new york city

Natalia Rivera-Sanchez, a PhD student in the Levin/Buck lab, just received a fellowship from the Male Contraceptive Initiative. Nice job, Natalia!

pharmacology graduate program new york city

Dr. Sara Zaccara, a Postdoctoral Associate in Dr. Jaffrey's lab in the Department of Pharmacology at Weill Cornell Medicine, has won a 2022 Tri-Institutional Breakout Award for Junior Investigators. For more information, click here

pharmacology new york city gudas lab

Mildred Unti, a PhD student in the Jaffrey lab, received an F31 fellowship!

Mildred Unti, a PhD student in the Jaffrey lab, received an F31 fellowship for her project titled, "Development of a chemogenetically controlled RNA aggregation system and its application in elucidating the role of RNA foci in repeat expansion disease."

Congratulations to Millie are in order!

Gudas weill cornell

Dr. Lorraine Gudas named the first recipient of the Arleen B Rifkind MD Professorship, Click here for more

The Rifkind family generously donated funds for the Arleen B Rifkind MD Professorship in Pharmacology. On March 22, 2022, the Pharmacology Dept. held a research seminar in honor of Dr. Arleen Rifkind,  a professor in the Pharmacology Dept. who passed away last year. Dr. Rifkind was an accomplished and beloved faculty member.  Dean Augustine Choi; Dr. Gudas; Amy,one of Arleen and Bob Rifkind's two daughters, Amy and Nina Rifkind; and Dr. Silvia Moore, a faculty member who worked with Dr....

pharmacology new york city

Dr. David Scheinberg, Chair of the Molecular Pharmacology Program in SKI, and Dr. Derek Tan, SKI Chemical Biology Program Chair and their teams have designed an entirely new type of CAR T cell that acts as a “micropharmacy”.

  Read more details about this here.

weill cornell ryan serio

Dr. Ryan Serio (former Pharm student), a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Dawid Nowak's lab, received a fellowship from the DOD for his project titled: Determining Metastatic Drivers of Pten/p53 Loss Driven Prostate Cancer using Evolving DNA Barcodes. Congrats!


Pharmacology PhD Program Retreat: Our two-day retreat was a great success! For more, please click here.

We had a wonderful exchange of scientific findings, and enthusiastic participation by PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty members.

Here are the results of the judging of the poster presentations and talks. Thank you all for making the retreat a success!

Fifth Year Student Talks:
Kyle Planck, First Place
Tom Rossetti, Second Place

Third Year Student Talks:
Mildred Unti...


Pharmacology PhD student Chiara Evans received an F31 fellowship from NCI for her project in Dr. Kharas' lab titled: "Function of Musashi-2 Methylation in Normal and Malignant Hematopoiesis." Very nice news!!


Dr. Samie Jaffrey was just awarded a $12.2 million grant from the National Human Genome Institute to start a multi-institutional center called the Center for Genomic Information Encoded by RNA Nucleotide Modifications. Congratulations! Click here.

The Center for Genomic Information Encoded by RNA Nucleotide Modifications is one of 12 NIH Centers of Excellence in Genomic Science (CEGS), which supports multi-investigator and interdisciplinary teams to develop innovative approaches and technologies to expand our understanding of the information encoded in the human genome.  The Center for Genomic Information Encoded by RNA Nucleotide Modifications is based at Weill Cornell Medicine and led by Dr. Samie Jaffrey, and includes...

Jacob Geri Weill Cornell Medicine

We are proud to announce that Dr. Jacob Geri is a new assistant professor in the Pharmacology Dept. at Weill Cornell. Click here for more information on Dr. Geri's research and background.

Dr. Geri received his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Michigan, and he did his postdoctoral research with Dr. MacMillan at Princeton University.  We are very excited that he is joining the faculty in our department.   Here is a brief summary of his research interests.  Mapping the sequences of protein interactions which drive disease phenotypes is a critical step towards drug discovery efforts. However, the transient and environmentally responsive nature of crucial disease-...

Lia Zallar

Lia Zallar was recently awarded an F31 NIH predoctoral fellowship for her proposal titled: A reciprocal relationship between alcohol and the p450 enzyme aromatase. Lia works with Dr. Kristen Pleil in the Pharmacology Dept. Congratulations, Lia!

Pleil Weill Cornell Medicine

Dr. Kristen Pleil is the senior author on a paper out today in Nature Communications. Congratulations!

To read more click here


Drs. Buck, Levin, Meinke, and their colleagues, including two Pharmacology PhD students, Tom Rossetti and Jacob Ferreira, have a new publication just out in ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters. Very nice work!

Drs. Buck, Levin, Meinke, and their colleagues, including two Pharmacology PhD students, Tom Rossetti and Jacob Ferreira, have a new publication just out in ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters titled:   Discovery of TDI-10229: A Potent and Orally Bioavailable Inhibitoof Soluble Adenylyl Cyclase (sAC, ADCY10).  Very nice work!  Click here for more.

weill cornell pharmacology

New Journal of Biological Chemistry Publication. Congratulations to Dr. Silvia Moore and Dr. Pengbo Zhou for their collaborative work and their new publication.

Weill Cornell Medicine Pharmacology

We congratulate Brodie Corless, who was awarded an F31 fellowship from NCI. The title of his project is: EpoxySEAKER and onSEAKER: CAR T-cell models for Targeted Local Biosynthesis of Therapeutic Warheads.


Thanks to everyone who participated in our Pharmacology PhD Program Virtual Retreat on May 7th!

tom and Dikun weill cornell medicine

On Thursday, April 8th, 2021, the Weill Cornell Graduate School is holding the school-wide du Vigneaud Scientific Symposium. This year, the student co-Chairs of this Symposium are both Pharmacology PhD students, Tom Rossetti and Krysta Dikun


An exciting new publication from Drs. Jaffrey, Blenis and their talented colleagues. mTORC1 promotes cell growth via m6A-dependent mRNA degradation, published in Molecular Cell this month.

For more information, click here


Dr. Ari Melnick and colleagues published a key paper on how cancer cells evade chemotherapy. To read more, click here

weill Cornell Medicine

Congratulations to Jacob Ferreira, who was just awarded a F31 grant from the NIH for his project titled: Discovery and Characterization of an Endogenous Inhibitor of Soluble Adenylyl Cyclase. Jacob is doing his thesis in the lab of Drs. Buck & Levin

Svena and Albert

Cheers go to Pharmacology PhD students Svena Verma and Albert Agustinus, who were just awarded Drug Discovery Predoctoral Fellowships from the PhRMA Foundation!

pharmacology weill cornell graduate school

A new publication from the lab of Dr. Miklos Toth in iScience is receiving quite a bit of attention on social media!

daniel heller pharmacology graduate school

On May 27 2020, Dr. Daniel Heller was recognized with the 2020 Outstanding Teaching and Mentoring Award from the Weill Cornell Graduate School.

An avid educator, Dan co-directs two innovative courses in drug discovery and development, “Drug Development from Molecule to Prescription” and the “Accelerating Bioventure Innovation” entrepreneurship course and training program. Prof. Heller and his laboratory are also active in outreach efforts, including at the Math, Engineering, and Science Academy, a public charter high school in Brooklyn...

monica guzman pharmacology nyc weill cornell

Dr. Monica L. Guzman, Associate Professor of Pharmacology in Medicine, has been honored and named one of the 100 inspiring Hispanic/Latinx scientists in America in Cell Mentor (Cell Press and Cell Signaling Technology).

The list of the 100 inspiring Hispanic/Latinx scientists working in the United States was presented in honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month. Selection for this honor was based on scholarly achievements, mentoring excellence, and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

pharmacology, lorraine gudas, cancer research nyc

Dr. Lorraine Gudas was just selected to be an ASPET Fellow.

This is an honor given to just a few individuals each year who have made major contributions both in research and in leadership in the pharmacology/chemical biology research community. For more information, click this link:

lisa placanica phd, pharmacology

In Alumni News: Dr. Lisa Placanica, former student in Dr. Li's Lab, appointed position at WCM.

To read more click here.

Ari Melnick Pharmacology

Dr. Ari Melnick is recognized by the American Society of Hematology for Advancing Treatment of Blood Cancers with Epigenetic Research.

To read more, click here

pharmacology new york city

September 8, 2020: A Lovely Recent Publication in Cell Reports from Drs. Miklos Toth & Kristen Pleil!

For more information, please click here...

pharmacology new york city

September 3, 2020: Dr. Li and colleagues publish a key Alzheimer’s disease study in Nature.

pharmacology new york

August 26, 2020: Today, we celebrate 100 years since the ratification of the 19th amendment!

A new statue was unveiled today in NYC's Central Park, a statue honoring real women-Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, three New York women of different races, educational and economic backgrounds, and religions coming together in the fight for equality


Welcome to our First Year Pharmacology PhD Students! This photo was taken at the start of the Pharmacology “Bootcamp” course.

john blenis and ana

Dr. John Blenis and colleagues show that methylmalonic acid, which accumulates with aging, promotes tumor progression. For more information about these exciting findings, click here

yueyang Weill cornell

Dr. Yue (Cindy) Yang, who works with Dr. Anthony Sauve, has many reasons to celebrate recently. Click to read more

In February, 2020, she was named a J. of Biol. Chemistry/Tabor Award winner and was invited to speak at the ASBMB annual meeting. To read more, click here:

Rossetti weill cornell

Tom Rossetti (Drs. Buck and Levin lab) was awarded an F31 fellowship from NIH (NIA). The title of his proposal is "Activation of Soluble Adenylyl Cyclase as a Novel Therapeutic Strategy for the Treatment of Age-Related Neurodegenerative Disorders.”

Leona Nease Pharmacology graduate program nyc

Pharmacology PhD student Leona Nease in Dr. Elena Piskounova's lab was awarded an F31 fellowship for her research proposal titled: “Regulation of the Selenocysteine Stress Response in Cancer Metastasis". Great Job Leona!!!


Congratulations to Joanna Luo for her F31 fellowship award for her project titled: Mechanism of Gamma-secretase Modulators from NIA! Joanna is doing her PhD research in Dr. Li’s lab.


The Pharmacology PhD Program is pleased to announce that Heather Jones just received an NIH F31 Predoctoral Fellowship. The title of her research proposal in the Scheinberg lab is: A High Throughput Method to Determine the Target of T Cell Receptors.

Kyle planck

Pharmacology PhD student Kyle Planck was awarded an F31 fellowship for his research proposal titled: “Metabolic impact of tryptophan synthase inhibition in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and implications for rational combination therapy.” Very nice, Kyle!!


Drs. Jaffrey and Zaccara Find that Depletion of All 3 YTHDF Proteins Promotes Leukemia Differentiation. Congratulations to you both on your article in Cell.


Remain strong....We will be able to defeat SARS-CoV-2!!

essential workers

Thank you to all of the essential workers, health care workers, and scientists for helping to solve the Covid 19 crisis!

jochen buck and lonny levin

Drs. Lonny Levin and Jochen Buck have a new publication in Cell Metabolism focused on the mechanisms involved in the development of non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis. Congratulations!


Dr. Naomi Oreskes, a professor of the history of science at Harvard, gave a fascinating lecture as part of the Science and Society series at Rockefeller University. The lecture was titled: Why Trust Science? and was based on her new book.


Faculty Position in the area of Chemical Biology Available

Applications are invited for a tenure track appointment as Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology ( at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City.  The department faculty members have diverse research interests that include chemical biology, cell signaling and regulation, cancer pharmacology, neuropharmacology, metabolism, and cardiovascular pharmacology.



Dr. Charles E. Inturrisi has been selected to be the "Gavril Pasternak Memorial Keynote" speaker at the International Conference on Opioids (ICOO2020), May 30 - June 1, 2020.

Dr. Inturrisi was a friend and collaborator of the late Dr. Gavril Pasternak (MSKCC). This will be the ninth year of this world-renowned conference in Boston. The goal of the International Conference on Opioids is to provide the information and education needed to alleviate the risk of misuse or abuse and move the standard of care so that when necessary, opioids can be properly used to help those in pain.

chiosis gabriela

Two very exciting, high impact papers have just been published by Dr. Gabriela Chiosis and her lab members!

Weill Cornell Medicine, Pharmacology Seminar

In the Graduate School’s Science and Society Lecture Series, Dr. Robbert Dijkgraff, a physicist and the Director of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, gave a very entertaining, well-attended lecture on “The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge.”

The search for answers to deep questions, motivated solely by curiosity and wihout concern for applications, often leads not only  to the greatest scientific discoveries but also to the most revolutionary technical breakthroughs….”  Many of our Pharmacology PhD students also went out to dinner with Dr. Dijkgraff after his talk.


Dr. Blenis and colleagues publish a stellar article about epigenetic changes in cancer metastasis, changes that could lead to new drugs for treatment.

Click here for link to paper: Dynamic Incorporation of Histone H3 Variants into Chromatin Is Essential for Acquisition of Aggressive Traits and Metastatic Colonization.

Gomes AP, Ilter D, Low V, Rosenzweig A, Shen ZJ, Schild T, Rivas MA, Er EE, McNally DR, Mutvei AP, Han J, Ou YH, Cavaliere P, Mullarky E, Nagiec M, Shin S, Yoon SO, Dephoure N, Massagué J, Melnick AM, Cantley LC, Tyler JK, ...

james lo

Dr. James Lo publishes a key paper on the function of adipsin related to type 2 diabetes!

To read the news in the Cornell Chronicle: Click here and Click here to read the article.

Pharmacology Graduate School

Dr. Charles Inturrisi was honored by Dean Choi for 50 years of outstanding service as a faculty member in the Pharmacology Dept.

jochen buck and lonny levin

Drs. Levin and Buck Awarded a U54 Grant from NIH for their research.

Congratulations to Jochen, Lonny, and their colleagues for the U54 grant titled: On-Demand  Pharmacological Contraception by Blocking  ADCY10.

best graduate school in new york city

Dr. Jason Lewis was awarded an R35 Outstanding Investigator Award from the NCI. Congratulations go to Dr. Lewis!


Nanosensor Paint for Microalbuminuria! Congratulations go to Dr. Dan Heller and his colleagues for their recent publication in Nature Communications.

For more information, click here:

Dr. Xiao-Han Tang

Dr. Xiao-Han Tang is promoted!

Dr. Tang is now an Associate Professor of Research in Pharmacology, and congratulations are in order!

Samie Jaffrey Weill Cornell Pharmacology

Dr. Jaffrey and colleagues publish a paper in Nature about how m6A enhances mRNA phase separation potential.

New York City, Pharmacology, Dr. Melanie Balbach

Dr. Melanie Balbach, a postdoctoral fellow with Drs. Buck and Levin, received a two-year, MCI (Male Contraceptive Initiative) fellowship.

Congratulations, Melanie! For more information, click:

Lorraine Gudas The Pharmacologist

ASPET's quarterly news magazine, The Pharmacologist, features Dr. Gudas’ ASPET-JPS March 2019 lecture in Osaka, Japan.

The Pharmacologist, ASPET's quarterly news magazine featured Dr. Gudas' ASPET-JPS Lecture at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Pharmacological Society.PDF icon lorraine_gudas_aspet.pdf

aashiq mirza, faten taki, pharmacology, weill cornell

Drs. Faten Taki and Aashiq Mirza, postdoctoral fellows in the Pharmacology Dept. in Dr. Toth and Dr. Jaffrey’s labs, respectively, participated in a Life Sciences Fair on Capitol Hill.

This fair, sponsored by FASEB, showcased federally funded research. About 200 people, including many Congressional staff members, attended. Drs. Taki and Mirza ran a WCM booth and held a workshop titled: Make your own DNA Necklace. (They brought suitcases with lots of detergents to Capitol Hill for this!)  What a wonderful way for scientists to interact with interested government officials!!  Here is a picture of them with one of Rep....

John blenis, Gina Lee

Dr. Gina Lee is awarded a 2019 Tri-Institutional Breakout Award for Junior Investigators.

In a study published in Cell, Dr. Lee and Dr. Blenis and their colleagues showed that mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) promotes RNA splicing of fat-producing enzymes required to synthesize lipids for tumor growth.  For more information about Dr. Lee’s award, click here….

Jan Grimm, Edwin Pratt, Monica Guzman

Graduate student Edwin C. Pratt, and faculty Drs. Guzman and Grimm publish a key article in Nature Biotechnology!

For a link to the article, click here. Exciting, collaborative research!

Shino Murakamo, Weill cornell, Pharmacology

Dr. Shino Murakami postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Jaffrey's lab awarded a 3 year fellowship from the DOD Breast Cancer Program

On April 1, 2019, Dr. Shino Murakami, a postdoctoral fellow in the Jaffrey lab, was awarded a 3 year fellowship from the DOD Breast Cancer Program. The title of her fellowship project is: The Role of RNA Methylation in Breast Cancer.  Congratulations are in order!
Jason Lewis

Dr. Jason Lewis receives the Paul C. Aebersold Award from the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular imaging.

minkui luo, pharmacology, weill cornell

Dr. Minkui Luo is awarded an R35 MIRA award from NIGMS. Great news, Minkui!

john blenis, pharmacology, weill cornell

Dr. John Blenis is honored at the WCM Graduation Ceremony in Carnegie Hall.

Dr. Blenis received the Siegel Family Award for Outstanding Medical Research, which honors a faculty member whose research is extraordinary.  It is wonderful that a Pharmacology Dept. faculty member was selected for this great honor.
Miklos toth, Pharmacology, Weill Cornell

Dr. Miklos Toth Receives the 2019 Outstanding Teaching and Mentoring Award for the Pharmacology PhD Program.

He received the award at the Weill Cornell Graduate School Convocation ceremony. Well deserved, Miklos!! Dr. Toth is the 5th person pictured from left to right.

Samie Jaffrey

Dr. Samie Jaffrey is Awarded an Outstanding Investigator R35 Grant from NIH.

This is a very competitive and prestigious 8 year award which provides long-term support to accomplished researchers with superb records of research productivity who propose to conduct extraordinary research. The title of the award is:  New mechanisms and technologies for understanding post-transcriptional gene regulation in neurons.  Congratulations to you, Samie, and your research colleagues!!

Jacob Litke

PhD Student Jake Litke Creates Perfect Storm for RNA Aptamer Expression

TPCB student Jacob Litke and Prof. Samie Jaffrey at Weill Cornell have developed a system that allows highly efficient expression of circular RNA aptamers that are resistant to exonucleases. Publishing in Nature Biotechnology, they showed that their “Tornado” expression system is some 200 times more efficient than previously reported systems, opening the door to broad applications of circular RNA aptamers to probe cellular processes.

The 35th duVigneaud Symposium, featuring posters and talks from our PhD students, was a huge success.

Here is a picture of the first year students who won prizes for their posters, Daniel Worroll and Svena Verma.

Lisa Standke

Lisa Standke, a PhD student in Derek Tan’s lab, wrote an article for Science Journal for Kids

Lisa Standke, a PhD student in Derek Tan’s lab,  wrote an article for Science Journal for Kids-the goal is to adapt current research articles into age-appropriate language for K-12 readers.

Very nice, Lisa.   Here is the link:...
steven gross, quiying chen, weill cornell

Drs. Steve Gross, Qiuying Chen, and Changyuan Lu are authors of a study with Dr. Lew Cantley.

The article is published in SCIENCE magazine, showing that high fructose corn syrup causes larger colon tumors in mice.  Congratulations! Click here to see the article.

From left to right: Dr. Chen and Dr. Gross

pharmacology in new york

Weill Cornell - 9th in the national rankings of Best Medical Schools

pharmacology in new york, weill cornell

Stealth Biotherapeutics, the company founded by Dr. Hazel Szeto

On February 15, 2019, Stealth Biotherapeutics, the company founded by Dr. Hazel Szeto, a WCM Pharmacology professor, ~ 12 years ago, priced its IPO today of 6.5M ADSs, each representing 12 ordinary shares of Stealth, at a price of $12.00/ADS, for expected gross proceeds of $78M.

Lorraine Gudas, TedTalk

Dr. Lorraine Gudas gave a TEDX Talk at Wake Forest University on February 23, 2019.

Samie Jaffrey Steven Gross

Dr. Samie Jaffrey and Dr. Steve Gross published a key paper in the field of small nuclear RNA regulations in Nature Chemical Biology this week. Congratulations!


November 13, 2018

Ms. Lissett Checo, center, was honored by the medical college for 25 years of outstanding service in the Pharmacology Department administration! 

Jonathan Zippin

November 10, 2018

Drs. Zippin, Buck, and Levin publish a groundbreaking study on how skin color is established.

To read the article, click here.

Women Rock Stars poster

October 22, 2018

Dr. Lorraine Gudas is named as one of the top women "rock stars" of science at the annual meeting of the European Society of Medical Oncology. 

Samie Jaffrey

October 10, 2018

Dr. Jaffrey Co-Founds a New Biotech Company.

To read more, click here.

Cynthia Quintero

August 30, 2018

Dr. Quintero's Research is Published!

Dr. Cynthia Quintero, PhD student mentored by Drs. Gudas and Luo, published her research on CARM1! Here is the link: click here.

Yueming Li

April 26, 2018

Dr. Yueming Li was chosen as the recipient of the Weill Cornell Graduate School Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring Award for the value of his teaching and mentoring of WCGS students. Dr. Li was nominated by, Drs. Derek Tan, David Scheinberg, Lisa Placanica and Natalya Gertsik and will be presented this award at the Weill Cornell Graduate School Convocation Ceremony on Wednesday, May 30, at 10 a.m. in Uris Auditorium. Congratulations Dr. Li!

Dr. Jaffrey in lab

April 18, 2018

Pathway to Stop Diabetes Visionary Award Recipient

Weill Cornell Faculty member, Dr. Samie R. Jaffrey has received the Pathway Visionary Award for his basic research project titled, "Rewiring Cellular Metabolic Networks in Diabetes." Dr. Jaffrey is developing a new type of gene therapy that will allow liver cells to "sense" metabolic abnormalities that occur in diabetes and then stimulate the production of proteins that would correct liver function.

Lorraine Gudas, Emanuela Folco, David Hajjar, & Randi Silver

April 12, 2018

Scientists from the Giovanni Lorenzino Medical Foundation met with Weill Cornell faculty. 

Pictured at lunch are: Lorraine Gudas, Emanuela Folco, David Hajjar, & Randi Silver. In the second picture are Roberto Levi, Guido Rasi, & Sergio Pecorelli. Dr. Rasi is the Executive Director of the European Medical Agency and he also gave a lecture titled: Role of Regulatory Agencies in the Development of Innovative Drugs.

Thomas Rossetti

April 4, 2018

Tom Rossetti won the first year poster prize in the 38th annual Vincent du Vigneaud Research Symposium from his work in Dr. Kristen Pleil’s lab.

Edwin Chuck Pratt

March 27, 2018

Chuck Pratt, a graduate student in the lab of Dr. Grimm, has a new publication, titled: Nanoparticles as multimodal photon transducers of ionizing radiation, out in Nature Nanotechnology.

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