Thesis research is typically completed within 4-6 years of tenure in the Program. The written thesis is crafted by the student under the direction of the Major Sponsor.
The Thesis Defense (Final Examination for the degree of PhD) is scheduled with Graduate School Office at least 30 days in advance. The instructions and forms can be found here. Please ensure the Final Application for PhD form is signed by one of the Pharmacology leaders: Dr. Gudas, Dr. Abdel-Wahab or Dr. Minkui Luo and then submitted to the program coordinator. Normally, a completed written thesis is submitted to the Examining Committee at least 4-6 weeks in advance of the Thesis Defense date. The Thesis Defense is public (friends and family are welcome) and begins with a 40-60 min seminar style presentation by the student that summarizes thesis research. This is followed by the departure of all attendees, other than the student, Examining Committee and members of the graduate school faculty that wish to observe the exam. Similar to the committee assembled for the ACE, the Thesis Examining Committee consists of five members: the Special Thesis Advisory Committee (major and two minor sponsors), one outside examiner (selected by the student and major sponsor, minimum of two must be Pharmacology Faculty Program members) and a chair (the student can select the chair). The Chair of your defense cannot be the same member that served as your ACE chair or Thesis Committee Meeting Chair. A successful oral defense and acceptance of the written thesis will result in a recommendation to the Dean for award of the PhD degree in Pharmacology.
Summary Pre-Defense Checklist:
1. Ensure your committee has indicated their approval for you to defend in the milestones section of your last annual committee meeting evaluation form.
2. Ensure you have completed and submitted your Progression to Degree Form in the Academic Milestone Tracker Portal.
3. Ensure you have all your IDPs completed from all your years, including the current year.
Reach out to Aileen to schedule a meeting to do a final overview of your student portfolio.