
Dr. Lynette Daws gave a seminar on April 16, 2024 titled: The Smoking Gun: the Actions of Organic Cation Transporter 3 in the Actions of Amphetamine and Alcohol

Dr. Lynette Daws gave a seminar on April 16, 2024 titled: The Smoking Gun: the Actions of Organic Cation Transporter 3 in the Actions of Amphetamine and Alcohol

Dr. Ryan Serio (Nowak Lab) gave a seminar in our Postdoctoral Seminar series titled: “Clonal Lineage Tracing Reveals Migration Histories of Metastatic Prostate Cancer” on January 9, 2024

Dr. Ryan Serio (Nowak Lab) gave a seminar in our Postdoctoral Seminar series titled: “Clonal Lineage Tracing Reveals Migration Histories of Metastatic Prostate Cancer” on January 9, 2024

Dr. Shino Murakami (Jaffrey Lab) gave a seminar in our Postdoctoral Seminar series titled: “The ribosome links amino acid availability to gene expression through m6A” on January 9, 2024.

Dr. Shino Murakami (Jaffrey Lab) gave a seminar in our Postdoctoral Seminar series titled: “The ribosome links amino acid availability to gene expression through m6A” on January 9, 2024.

Dr. Bruce Spiegelman gave a lovely seminar on November 28, 2023.

Dr. Bruce Spiegelman gave a lovely seminar on November 28, 2023.

Dr. Kristen Pleil gave a seminar in our Pharmacology Research Seminar series titled:  "Hormone modulation of neuropeptides in the brain: implications for psychiatric diseases" on October 17, 2023.

Dr. Kristen Pleil gave a seminar in our Pharmacology Research Seminar series titled: "Hormone modulation of neuropeptides in the brain: implications for psychiatric diseases" on October 17, 2023.

Dr. Busik gave an interesting seminar on treatments for diabetic retinopathy on March 21, 2023.

Dr. Busik gave an interesting seminar on treatments for diabetic retinopathy on March 21, 2023.

Dr. Garrett Fitzgerald (U. Penn. Systems Pharm. Dept.) gave a seminar titled: “Sex, Drugs, Age and Time. Perspectives in Chronobiology” on December 13, 2022!

Dr. Garrett Fitzgerald (U. Penn. Systems Pharm. Dept.) gave a seminar titled: “Sex, Drugs, Age and Time. Perspectives in Chronobiology” on December 13, 2022!

Dr. Emmanuel Giannelis from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, presented a lovely seminar on October 4th, 2022. His research in the nanotechnology area is quite exciting.

Dr. Emmanuel Giannelis from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, presented a lovely seminar on October 4th, 2022. His research in the nanotechnology area is quite exciting.

Dr. Moses Chao from New York Univ. presented a seminar on June 14, 2022, followed by dinner with faculty members Dr. John Blenis, Dr. Lorraine Gudas, Dr. Miklos Toth, and Dr. Kristen Pleil.

Dr. Moses Chao from New York Univ. presented a seminar on June 14, 2022, followed by dinner with faculty members Dr. John Blenis, Dr. Lorraine Gudas, Dr. Miklos Toth, and Dr. Kristen Pleil.

Dr. Karen Wu spoke on 3/8/2022; she received her PhD with Dr. Samie Jaffrey and later founded the company, Lucerna, with Dr. Jaffrey.  Seminar: "RNA: From the Ignored Molecule to Being the New “It” Target in Biotechnology (and How it shaped my career)"

Dr. Karen Wu spoke on 3/8/2022; she received her PhD with Dr. Samie Jaffrey and later founded the company, Lucerna, with Dr. Jaffrey. Seminar: "RNA: From the Ignored Molecule to Being the New “It” Target in Biotechnology (and How it shaped my career)"

Dr. Etienne Sibille, a former PhD student in Dr. Toth's lab, gave a seminar on February 22, 2022, titled: GABA Deficits and Cognition in Depression and Aging: Origin, Mechanisms and Novel Therapeutics. Currently a professor of Pharmacology and Pyschiatry

Dr. Etienne Sibille, a former PhD student in Dr. Toth's lab, gave a seminar on February 22, 2022, titled: GABA Deficits and Cognition in Depression and Aging: Origin, Mechanisms and Novel Therapeutics. Currently a professor of Pharmacology and Pyschiatry

Dr. Lakshmi Devi gave a seminar titled:“G Protein-Coupled Receptor Dimers and Orphans: Novel Therapeutic Targets for Pain and Addiction” on October 5, 2021. Here is a picture of Dr. Devi and Dr. Pleil at dinner after the seminar.

Dr. Lakshmi Devi gave a seminar titled:“G Protein-Coupled Receptor Dimers and Orphans: Novel Therapeutic Targets for Pain and Addiction” on October 5, 2021. Here is a picture of Dr. Devi and Dr. Pleil at dinner after the seminar.

Dr. Gaetano Santulli from Albert Einstein presented an interesting seminar titled: "Intracellular Calcium in Cardiac and Metabolic Disorder" on December 10th, 2019.  Here he is after his seminar talking with WCM faculty member Dr. Annarita Di Lorenzo.

Dr. Gaetano Santulli from Albert Einstein presented an interesting seminar titled: "Intracellular Calcium in Cardiac and Metabolic Disorder" on December 10th, 2019. Here he is after his seminar talking with WCM faculty member Dr. Annarita Di Lorenzo.

Dr. Cory Abate-Shen, Chair of the Pharmacology Dept. at Columbia, gave a seminar titled: “Of Mice and Men: Learning About Human Prostate Cancer by Studying Mouse Models” on 11-26-19.  At dinner from (L to R) Drs. Nowak, Abate-Shen, Wagner, Gudas & Laursen

Dr. Cory Abate-Shen, Chair of the Pharmacology Dept. at Columbia, gave a seminar titled: “Of Mice and Men: Learning About Human Prostate Cancer by Studying Mouse Models” on 11-26-19. At dinner from (L to R) Drs. Nowak, Abate-Shen, Wagner, Gudas & Laursen

Dr. David Spiegel (Yale Univ.) gave a wonderful seminar titled “Using Small Molecules to Engineer and Explore Human Immunity” on October 29, 2019! Here is a picture from his talk.

Dr. David Spiegel (Yale Univ.) gave a wonderful seminar titled “Using Small Molecules to Engineer and Explore Human Immunity” on October 29, 2019! Here is a picture from his talk.

Dr. Jochen Buck spoke on October 16, 2018, about his research with Dr. Lonny Levin; the seminar was titled: Development of new tools for studying sAC biology.

Dr. Jochen Buck spoke on October 16, 2018, about his research with Dr. Lonny Levin; the seminar was titled: Development of new tools for studying sAC biology.

On May 8, 2018, Drs. Samie Jaffrey, Steve Gross, Lorraine Gudas, and Navdeep Chandel out at dinner after Dr. Chandel's seminar titled: Mitochondria as Signaling Organelles.

On May 8, 2018, Drs. Samie Jaffrey, Steve Gross, Lorraine Gudas, and Navdeep Chandel out at dinner after Dr. Chandel's seminar titled: Mitochondria as Signaling Organelles.

On April 17, 2018, Dr. Maureen Gannon presented a lovely seminar titled: "Novel Therapeutic Targets for Enhancing Pancreatic Beta Cell Mass." She received her PhD from Weill Cornell Graduate School, and is now a Professor at Vanderbilt Medical School.

On April 17, 2018, Dr. Maureen Gannon presented a lovely seminar titled: "Novel Therapeutic Targets for Enhancing Pancreatic Beta Cell Mass." She received her PhD from Weill Cornell Graduate School, and is now a Professor at Vanderbilt Medical School.

On April 17, 2018, Dr. Maureen Gannon presented a lovely seminar titled: "Novel Therapeutic Targets for Enhancing Pancreatic Beta Cell Mass." She received her PhD from Weill Cornell Graduate School, and is now a Professor at Vanderbilt Medical School.

On April 17, 2018, Dr. Maureen Gannon presented a lovely seminar titled: "Novel Therapeutic Targets for Enhancing Pancreatic Beta Cell Mass." She received her PhD from Weill Cornell Graduate School, and is now a Professor at Vanderbilt Medical School.

The DuVigneaud PhD Research Symposium was held on April 3, 2018. Dr. Robert Langer, Professor at MIT, was the keynote speaker.

The DuVigneaud PhD Research Symposium was held on April 3, 2018. Dr. Robert Langer, Professor at MIT, was the keynote speaker.

Ryan Serio handles the question period after Dr. Kenneth Jacobson’s (NIDDK) seminar on February 13, 2018, titled: "Structures of G Protein-Coupled Purine Receptors Enable Drug Discovery."

Ryan Serio handles the question period after Dr. Kenneth Jacobson’s (NIDDK) seminar on February 13, 2018, titled: "Structures of G Protein-Coupled Purine Receptors Enable Drug Discovery."

Here is Dr. James Ntambi (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison) presenting his research talk titled:"Hepatic Lipogenesis and Metabolic Signaling in Obesity and Diabetes” on October 17, 2017.

Here is Dr. James Ntambi (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison) presenting his research talk titled:"Hepatic Lipogenesis and Metabolic Signaling in Obesity and Diabetes” on October 17, 2017.

Dr. James Ntambi (Univ. of Wisconsin/Madison) presented his talk titled:"Hepatic Lipogenesis and Metabolic Signaling in Obesity and Diabetes” on 10/17/17. Here, he is answering questions after his talk, at dinner with faculty member, Dr. Xiao-Han Tang.

Dr. James Ntambi (Univ. of Wisconsin/Madison) presented his talk titled:"Hepatic Lipogenesis and Metabolic Signaling in Obesity and Diabetes” on 10/17/17. Here, he is answering questions after his talk, at dinner with faculty member, Dr. Xiao-Han Tang.

Dr. Thomas L. Kash, a PhD graduate of Weill Cornell who is now an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, presented the first seminar of the 2017/18 Pharmacology Dept. series on October 3, 2017.

Dr. Thomas L. Kash, a PhD graduate of Weill Cornell who is now an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, presented the first seminar of the 2017/18 Pharmacology Dept. series on October 3, 2017.

Dr. Craig Thompson, President of Sloan-Kettering, gave a research seminar on May 30, 2017 in our Pharmacology Seminar Series.

Dr. Craig Thompson, President of Sloan-Kettering, gave a research seminar on May 30, 2017 in our Pharmacology Seminar Series.

Dr. Thompson at a roundtable discussion with the Pharmacology students after his seminar on May 30, 2017.

Dr. Thompson at a roundtable discussion with the Pharmacology students after his seminar on May 30, 2017.

Dr. Michael Rudnicki (Ottawa Hospital Res. Institute) gave a terrific seminar titled: Molecular Regulation of Muscle Stem Cell Asymmetric Division on February 7, 2017. Here he is with Pharmacology Program faculty member Dr. James Lo.

Dr. Michael Rudnicki (Ottawa Hospital Res. Institute) gave a terrific seminar titled: Molecular Regulation of Muscle Stem Cell Asymmetric Division on February 7, 2017. Here he is with Pharmacology Program faculty member Dr. James Lo.

Dr. Watkins and Dr. Pleil at the Griffis Faculty club after his talk on January 17, 2017.

Dr. Watkins and Dr. Pleil at the Griffis Faculty club after his talk on January 17, 2017.

Dr. Paul Watkins, UNC Inst. for Drug Safety Sciences, gave a fascinating talk for the annual Marcus Reidenberg lecture, titled “Why Good Drugs are Sometimes Bad for the Liver.”

Dr. Paul Watkins, UNC Inst. for Drug Safety Sciences, gave a fascinating talk for the annual Marcus Reidenberg lecture, titled “Why Good Drugs are Sometimes Bad for the Liver.”

Dr. Paul Watkins, UNC Inst. for Drug Safety Sciences

Dr. Paul Watkins, UNC Inst. for Drug Safety Sciences

Dr. Vasilis Vasiliou, Chair of the Dept of Environmental Sciences at Yale, presented his interesting research on ALDHs in our seminar series on December 20, 2016.

Dr. Vasilis Vasiliou, Chair of the Dept of Environmental Sciences at Yale, presented his interesting research on ALDHs in our seminar series on December 20, 2016.

Dr. Kristen Pleil gave a beautiful seminar titled: "Peptidergic Mechanisms of Addiction and Mood Disorder," her first as a faculty member at Weill Cornell, on November 29, 2016.

Dr. Kristen Pleil gave a beautiful seminar titled: "Peptidergic Mechanisms of Addiction and Mood Disorder," her first as a faculty member at Weill Cornell, on November 29, 2016.

Dr. Laszlo Nagy, Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Inst. at Lake Nona, gave a lovely seminar titled: Epigenomic Determinants of Cell Type Specification in Embryonic Stem Cells and Macrophages on November 15, 2016.

Dr. Laszlo Nagy, Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Inst. at Lake Nona, gave a lovely seminar titled: Epigenomic Determinants of Cell Type Specification in Embryonic Stem Cells and Macrophages on November 15, 2016.

Dr. Mary Choi, Dept. of Medicine, Weill Cornell, presented a fascinating seminar titled on November 1, 2016: "Autophagy and Necroptosis Pathways in Kidney Fibrosis".

Dr. Mary Choi, Dept. of Medicine, Weill Cornell, presented a fascinating seminar titled on November 1, 2016: "Autophagy and Necroptosis Pathways in Kidney Fibrosis".

Dr. Geoff Pitt presented a lovely seminar on October 18, 2016, titled: From Atom to Adam: Ion Channelopathies.

Dr. Geoff Pitt presented a lovely seminar on October 18, 2016, titled: From Atom to Adam: Ion Channelopathies.

Dr. Silvia Moore, an Assistant Research Professor in Pharmacology, talked to the faculty about her work with Dr. Rifkind on April 26, 2016.

Dr. Silvia Moore, an Assistant Research Professor in Pharmacology, talked to the faculty about her work with Dr. Rifkind on April 26, 2016.

Dr. Changyuan Lu speaks at the faculty lunch seminar in the Pharmacology Dept on September 29, 2015.

Dr. Changyuan Lu speaks at the faculty lunch seminar in the Pharmacology Dept on September 29, 2015.

Dr. Jason Lewis, Chief of Radiochemistry & Imaging Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering, started off our Pharmacology Dept. 2015-16 seminar series with a talk titled: "Interrogating Cancer with Precision Radiopharmaceuticals and PET" on September 22, 2015.

Dr. Jason Lewis, Chief of Radiochemistry & Imaging Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering, started off our Pharmacology Dept. 2015-16 seminar series with a talk titled: "Interrogating Cancer with Precision Radiopharmaceuticals and PET" on September 22, 2015.

Dr. Gary Landreth, a faculty member at Case Western Reserve, presented his research on November 4, 2014 focused on nuclear receptors and Alzheimer's disease.

Dr. Gary Landreth, a faculty member at Case Western Reserve, presented his research on November 4, 2014 focused on nuclear receptors and Alzheimer's disease.

Dr. Lucio Castilla, Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Medical School, answers a question from Dr. Ari Melnick after his Pharmacology Dept. seminar titled: Inv(16) Acute Myeloid Leukemia Targeted Therapy on November 18, 2014.

Dr. Lucio Castilla, Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Medical School, answers a question from Dr. Ari Melnick after his Pharmacology Dept. seminar titled: Inv(16) Acute Myeloid Leukemia Targeted Therapy on November 18, 2014.

Professor Alberto Darszon from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Morelos, Mexico, spoke in the Pharmacology Dept on April 29, 2014. . Here he is pictured with his host, Dr. Jochen Buck.

Professor Alberto Darszon from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Morelos, Mexico, spoke in the Pharmacology Dept on April 29, 2014. . Here he is pictured with his host, Dr. Jochen Buck.

Dr. Etienne Sibille, a former PhD student with Dr. Miklos Toth, gave a research talk on "Somatostatin-GABA Neurons, Depression, and Aging" on October 7, 2014. . Here are Miklos, Etienne, and Lorraine before the seminar.

Dr. Etienne Sibille, a former PhD student with Dr. Miklos Toth, gave a research talk on "Somatostatin-GABA Neurons, Depression, and Aging" on October 7, 2014. . Here are Miklos, Etienne, and Lorraine before the seminar.

Dr. John Scott, Pharmacology Dept., Univ. of Washington, presents his work on April 15,2014.

Dr. John Scott, Pharmacology Dept., Univ. of Washington, presents his work on April 15,2014.

Dr. Steve Clinton (Ohio State) presented a great seminar on vitamin D and cancer on December 17, 2013. Here Dr. Clinton (center) discusses his work with interested scientists after his seminar.

Dr. Steve Clinton (Ohio State) presented a great seminar on vitamin D and cancer on December 17, 2013. Here Dr. Clinton (center) discusses his work with interested scientists after his seminar.

Dr. Jaffrey asks a question of the seminar speaker, Dr. Saeed Tavazoie, on June 4, 2013.

Dr. Jaffrey asks a question of the seminar speaker, Dr. Saeed Tavazoie, on June 4, 2013.

Dr. Suzanne Zukin gave a great talk on October 8, 2013; her talk was titled "REST-Dependent Epigenetic Remodeling Drives the Developmental Switch in Synaptic NMDARs."

Dr. Suzanne Zukin gave a great talk on October 8, 2013; her talk was titled "REST-Dependent Epigenetic Remodeling Drives the Developmental Switch in Synaptic NMDARs."

Dr. Frank Giordano presented a research seminar in the Pharmacology Dept. on March 12, 2013. Here he is (left) before the seminar, talking with Dr. Dominick Falcone.

Dr. Frank Giordano presented a research seminar in the Pharmacology Dept. on March 12, 2013. Here he is (left) before the seminar, talking with Dr. Dominick Falcone.

Dr. Leslie Parise, Chair of the Biochemistry and Biophysics Dept at the Medical College, UNC, Chapel Hill spoke on February 25, 2013. Here is Dr. Parise after her seminar with Dr. Aaron Marcus, a faculty member at WCMC, who attended the seminar.

Dr. Leslie Parise, Chair of the Biochemistry and Biophysics Dept at the Medical College, UNC, Chapel Hill spoke on February 25, 2013. Here is Dr. Parise after her seminar with Dr. Aaron Marcus, a faculty member at WCMC, who attended the seminar.

Dr. Stephen Wong, the Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Houston, Tx, an affiliate of Weill Cornell, delivers his talk on "Systems and Chemical Biology Methods for Pathway Driven Drug Repositioning," on January 15, 2013.

Dr. Stephen Wong, the Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Houston, Tx, an affiliate of Weill Cornell, delivers his talk on "Systems and Chemical Biology Methods for Pathway Driven Drug Repositioning," on January 15, 2013.

Dr. Stephen Wong, the Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Houston, Tx, an affiliate of Weill Cornell, delivers his talk on "Systems and Chemical Biology Methods for Pathway Driven Drug Repositioning," on January 15, 2013.

Dr. Stephen Wong, the Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Houston, Tx, an affiliate of Weill Cornell, delivers his talk on "Systems and Chemical Biology Methods for Pathway Driven Drug Repositioning," on January 15, 2013.

Dr. Peter Rabinovitch presented his seminar titled: "Mitochondria and Oxidative Stress in Cardiac Aging, Hypertrophy and Failure" on December 18, 2012. Drs. Levi, Szeto, and Rabinovitch after the seminar.

Dr. Peter Rabinovitch presented his seminar titled: "Mitochondria and Oxidative Stress in Cardiac Aging, Hypertrophy and Failure" on December 18, 2012. Drs. Levi, Szeto, and Rabinovitch after the seminar.

Dr. Peter Rabinovitch presented his seminar titled: "Mitochondria and Oxidative Stress in Cardiac Aging, Hypertrophy and Failure" on December 18, 2012.

Dr. Peter Rabinovitch presented his seminar titled: "Mitochondria and Oxidative Stress in Cardiac Aging, Hypertrophy and Failure" on December 18, 2012.

Dr. Alexander MacKerell, School of Pharmacy, University of Maryland, presents his research talk on December 4, 2012.

Dr. Alexander MacKerell, School of Pharmacy, University of Maryland, presents his research talk on December 4, 2012.

Dr. Miklos Toth answers a question during his research talk on November 20, 2012. The title of his talk was: "Maternal Gene in Epigenetic Programing of Behavior and Disease Across Generations"

Dr. Miklos Toth answers a question during his research talk on November 20, 2012. The title of his talk was: "Maternal Gene in Epigenetic Programing of Behavior and Disease Across Generations"

Dr. Lester Binder speaks with interested members of the audience after his Pharmacology Dept. seminar on October 9, 2012.

Dr. Lester Binder speaks with interested members of the audience after his Pharmacology Dept. seminar on October 9, 2012.

Dr. Rene Hen from Columbia University gave a seminar in the Pharmacology Department on June 19, 2012. Here Dr. Arleen Rifkind speaks with Dr. Hen after his seminar

Dr. Rene Hen from Columbia University gave a seminar in the Pharmacology Department on June 19, 2012. Here Dr. Arleen Rifkind speaks with Dr. Hen after his seminar

Dr. Samie Jaffrey asks our Pharmacology Dept. seminar speaker, Dr. Ferre-D'Amare, a question after his seminar on April 10, 2012.

Dr. Samie Jaffrey asks our Pharmacology Dept. seminar speaker, Dr. Ferre-D'Amare, a question after his seminar on April 10, 2012.

Dr. Roberto Levi, Dr. Roberta Gottlieb, and Dr. Marcus Reidenberg after Dr. Gottlieb's seminar on May 8, 2012.

Dr. Roberto Levi, Dr. Roberta Gottlieb, and Dr. Marcus Reidenberg after Dr. Gottlieb's seminar on May 8, 2012.

Dr. Adrian Ferre-D'Amare, from NHLBI, spoke on April 10, 2012, on "Riboswitches, Versatile RNA Regulators of Gene Expression."

Dr. Adrian Ferre-D'Amare, from NHLBI, spoke on April 10, 2012, on "Riboswitches, Versatile RNA Regulators of Gene Expression."

Drs. Carl Nathan and Jon Clardy after the talk on February 28, 2012.

Drs. Carl Nathan and Jon Clardy after the talk on February 28, 2012.

Dr. John Schimenti, Professor of Genetics at the College of Veterinary Medicine of Cornell University, gave a research talk titled "DNA Replication and Cancer Genetics in Mice" on January 17, 2012.

Dr. John Schimenti, Professor of Genetics at the College of Veterinary Medicine of Cornell University, gave a research talk titled "DNA Replication and Cancer Genetics in Mice" on January 17, 2012.

Drs. Ron Crystal, Steve Gross, and our Pharmacology Dept. seminar speaker, Dr. Kent Vrana, Chair of the Pharmacology Dept. at Penn State, Hershey, PA. The three attended a reception after the seminar on December 6, 2011.

Drs. Ron Crystal, Steve Gross, and our Pharmacology Dept. seminar speaker, Dr. Kent Vrana, Chair of the Pharmacology Dept. at Penn State, Hershey, PA. The three attended a reception after the seminar on December 6, 2011.

Dr. Gary Brewer presented his research in the Pharmacology Dept. seminar series on December 20, 2011. Pictured at dinner after the seminar are Drs. Miklos Toth, Frances Gratacos, Dussica Curanovic and Dr. Brewer.

Dr. Gary Brewer presented his research in the Pharmacology Dept. seminar series on December 20, 2011. Pictured at dinner after the seminar are Drs. Miklos Toth, Frances Gratacos, Dussica Curanovic and Dr. Brewer.

Drs. Lorraine Gudas, Bonnie Sloane (seminar speaker, Chair of Pharmacology Department at Wayne State University) and Arleen Rifkind have dinner after Dr. Sloane's seminar. February 2, 2010

Drs. Lorraine Gudas, Bonnie Sloane (seminar speaker, Chair of Pharmacology Department at Wayne State University) and Arleen Rifkind have dinner after Dr. Sloane's seminar. February 2, 2010

Dr. Al Baldwin, UNC Chapel Hill, April 13, 2010

Dr. Al Baldwin, UNC Chapel Hill, April 13, 2010

Dr. John Boylan, the Pharmacology Dept. seminar speaker on October 5, 2010, with his postdoctoral mentor, Dr. Lorraine Gudas.

Dr. John Boylan, the Pharmacology Dept. seminar speaker on October 5, 2010, with his postdoctoral mentor, Dr. Lorraine Gudas.

Drs. Gross, Rifkind, Sauve, and the Pharmacology Invited Seminar Speaker, Dr. Guengerich, at dinner after the seminar on November 30, 2010.

Drs. Gross, Rifkind, Sauve, and the Pharmacology Invited Seminar Speaker, Dr. Guengerich, at dinner after the seminar on November 30, 2010.

Dr. Matt Gamble giving his research seminar on December 14, 2010. Dr. Gamble received his PhD from Weill Cornell and is now an Asst. Professor in the Dept. of Molecular Pharmacology at Albert Einstein Med. College.

Dr. Matt Gamble giving his research seminar on December 14, 2010. Dr. Gamble received his PhD from Weill Cornell and is now an Asst. Professor in the Dept. of Molecular Pharmacology at Albert Einstein Med. College.

Graduate student Alessia Deglincerti speaks with Dr. Susan Gerbi after Dr. Gerbi's seminar titled "Evolution of Ribosoma RNA: Ribosome biogenesis and coordination with cell division " on March 15, 2011.

Graduate student Alessia Deglincerti speaks with Dr. Susan Gerbi after Dr. Gerbi's seminar titled "Evolution of Ribosoma RNA: Ribosome biogenesis and coordination with cell division " on March 15, 2011.

Dr. Loren Runnels, Pharmacology Dept. seminar speaker on April 12, 2011, with postdoctoral fellow Dr. Ron Perez after the seminar.

Dr. Loren Runnels, Pharmacology Dept. seminar speaker on April 12, 2011, with postdoctoral fellow Dr. Ron Perez after the seminar.

Dr. Lorraine Gudas visits with her former chair, Dr. Chrisopher Walsh, Professor of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Walsh presented the President's Seminar at MSKCC on April 13, 2011.

Dr. Lorraine Gudas visits with her former chair, Dr. Chrisopher Walsh, Professor of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Walsh presented the President's Seminar at MSKCC on April 13, 2011.

Dr. Eduardo Farias, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Medicine, Hematology & Medical Oncology, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, presented an excellent seminar titled: "Opposing Effects of RARs Isotypes in Breast Cancer: A New Perspective" on September 27, 2011.

Dr. Eduardo Farias, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Medicine, Hematology & Medical Oncology, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, presented an excellent seminar titled: "Opposing Effects of RARs Isotypes in Breast Cancer: A New Perspective" on September 27, 2011.

Dr. Lynette Daws gave a seminar on April 16, 2024 titled: The Smoking Gun: the Actions of Organic Cation Transporter 3 in the Actions of Amphetamine and Alcohol
Dr. Ryan Serio (Nowak Lab) gave a seminar in our Postdoctoral Seminar series titled: “Clonal Lineage Tracing Reveals Migration Histories of Metastatic Prostate Cancer” on January 9, 2024
Dr. Shino Murakami (Jaffrey Lab) gave a seminar in our Postdoctoral Seminar series titled: “The ribosome links amino acid availability to gene expression through m6A” on January 9, 2024.
Dr. Bruce Spiegelman gave a lovely seminar on November 28, 2023.
Dr. Kristen Pleil gave a seminar in our Pharmacology Research Seminar series titled:  "Hormone modulation of neuropeptides in the brain: implications for psychiatric diseases" on October 17, 2023.
Dr. Busik gave an interesting seminar on treatments for diabetic retinopathy on March 21, 2023.
Dr. Garrett Fitzgerald (U. Penn. Systems Pharm. Dept.) gave a seminar titled: “Sex, Drugs, Age and Time. Perspectives in Chronobiology” on December 13, 2022!
Dr. Emmanuel Giannelis from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, presented a lovely seminar on October 4th, 2022. His research in the nanotechnology area is quite exciting.
Dr. Moses Chao from New York Univ. presented a seminar on June 14, 2022, followed by dinner with faculty members Dr. John Blenis, Dr. Lorraine Gudas, Dr. Miklos Toth, and Dr. Kristen Pleil.
Dr. Karen Wu spoke on 3/8/2022; she received her PhD with Dr. Samie Jaffrey and later founded the company, Lucerna, with Dr. Jaffrey.  Seminar: "RNA: From the Ignored Molecule to Being the New “It” Target in Biotechnology (and How it shaped my career)"
Dr. Etienne Sibille, a former PhD student in Dr. Toth's lab, gave a seminar on February 22, 2022, titled: GABA Deficits and Cognition in Depression and Aging: Origin, Mechanisms and Novel Therapeutics. Currently a professor of Pharmacology and Pyschiatry
Dr. Lakshmi Devi gave a seminar titled:“G Protein-Coupled Receptor Dimers and Orphans: Novel Therapeutic Targets for Pain and Addiction” on October 5, 2021. Here is a picture of Dr. Devi and Dr. Pleil at dinner after the seminar.
Dr. Gaetano Santulli from Albert Einstein presented an interesting seminar titled: "Intracellular Calcium in Cardiac and Metabolic Disorder" on December 10th, 2019.  Here he is after his seminar talking with WCM faculty member Dr. Annarita Di Lorenzo.
Dr. Cory Abate-Shen, Chair of the Pharmacology Dept. at Columbia, gave a seminar titled: “Of Mice and Men: Learning About Human Prostate Cancer by Studying Mouse Models” on 11-26-19.  At dinner from (L to R) Drs. Nowak, Abate-Shen, Wagner, Gudas & Laursen
Dr. David Spiegel (Yale Univ.) gave a wonderful seminar titled “Using Small Molecules to Engineer and Explore Human Immunity” on October 29, 2019! Here is a picture from his talk.
Dr. Jochen Buck spoke on October 16, 2018, about his research with Dr. Lonny Levin; the seminar was titled: Development of new tools for studying sAC biology.
On May 8, 2018, Drs. Samie Jaffrey, Steve Gross, Lorraine Gudas, and Navdeep Chandel out at dinner after Dr. Chandel's seminar titled: Mitochondria as Signaling Organelles.
On April 17, 2018, Dr. Maureen Gannon presented a lovely seminar titled: "Novel Therapeutic Targets for Enhancing Pancreatic Beta Cell Mass." She received her PhD from Weill Cornell Graduate School, and is now a Professor at Vanderbilt Medical School.
On April 17, 2018, Dr. Maureen Gannon presented a lovely seminar titled: "Novel Therapeutic Targets for Enhancing Pancreatic Beta Cell Mass." She received her PhD from Weill Cornell Graduate School, and is now a Professor at Vanderbilt Medical School.
The DuVigneaud PhD Research Symposium was held on April 3, 2018. Dr. Robert Langer, Professor at MIT, was the keynote speaker.
Ryan Serio handles the question period after Dr. Kenneth Jacobson’s (NIDDK) seminar on February 13, 2018, titled: "Structures of G Protein-Coupled Purine Receptors Enable Drug Discovery."
Here is Dr. James Ntambi (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison) presenting his research talk titled:"Hepatic Lipogenesis and Metabolic Signaling in Obesity and Diabetes” on October 17, 2017.
Dr. James Ntambi (Univ. of Wisconsin/Madison) presented his talk titled:"Hepatic Lipogenesis and Metabolic Signaling in Obesity and Diabetes” on 10/17/17. Here, he is answering questions after his talk, at dinner with faculty member, Dr. Xiao-Han Tang.
Dr. Thomas L. Kash, a PhD graduate of Weill Cornell who is now an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, presented the first seminar of the 2017/18 Pharmacology Dept. series on October 3, 2017.
Dr. Craig Thompson, President of Sloan-Kettering, gave a research seminar on May 30, 2017 in our Pharmacology Seminar Series.
Dr. Thompson at a roundtable discussion with the Pharmacology students after his seminar on May 30, 2017.
Dr. Michael Rudnicki (Ottawa Hospital Res. Institute) gave a terrific seminar titled: Molecular Regulation of Muscle Stem Cell Asymmetric Division on February 7, 2017. Here he is with Pharmacology Program faculty member Dr. James Lo.
Dr. Watkins and Dr. Pleil at the Griffis Faculty club after his talk on January 17, 2017.
Dr. Paul Watkins, UNC Inst. for Drug Safety Sciences, gave a fascinating talk for the annual Marcus Reidenberg lecture, titled “Why Good Drugs are Sometimes Bad for the Liver.”
Dr. Paul Watkins, UNC Inst. for Drug Safety Sciences
Dr. Vasilis Vasiliou, Chair of the Dept of Environmental Sciences at Yale, presented his interesting research on ALDHs in our seminar series on December 20, 2016.
Dr. Kristen Pleil gave a beautiful seminar titled: "Peptidergic Mechanisms of Addiction and Mood Disorder," her first as a faculty member at Weill Cornell, on November 29, 2016.
Dr. Laszlo Nagy, Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Inst. at Lake Nona, gave a lovely seminar titled: Epigenomic Determinants of Cell Type Specification in Embryonic Stem Cells and Macrophages on November 15, 2016.
Dr. Mary Choi, Dept. of Medicine, Weill Cornell, presented a fascinating seminar titled on November 1, 2016: "Autophagy and Necroptosis Pathways in Kidney Fibrosis".
Dr. Geoff Pitt presented a lovely seminar on October 18, 2016, titled: From Atom to Adam: Ion Channelopathies.
Dr. Silvia Moore, an Assistant Research Professor in Pharmacology, talked to the faculty about her work with Dr. Rifkind on April 26, 2016.
Dr. Changyuan Lu speaks at the faculty lunch seminar in the Pharmacology Dept on September 29, 2015.
Dr. Jason Lewis, Chief of Radiochemistry & Imaging Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering, started off our Pharmacology Dept. 2015-16 seminar series with a talk titled: "Interrogating Cancer with Precision Radiopharmaceuticals and PET" on September 22, 2015.
Dr. Gary Landreth, a faculty member at Case Western Reserve, presented his research on November 4, 2014 focused on nuclear receptors and Alzheimer's disease.
Dr. Lucio Castilla, Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Medical School, answers a question from Dr. Ari Melnick after his Pharmacology Dept. seminar titled: Inv(16) Acute Myeloid Leukemia Targeted Therapy on November 18, 2014.
Professor Alberto Darszon from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Morelos, Mexico, spoke in the Pharmacology Dept on April 29, 2014. . Here he is pictured with his host, Dr. Jochen Buck.
Dr. Etienne Sibille, a former PhD student with Dr. Miklos Toth, gave a research talk on "Somatostatin-GABA Neurons, Depression, and Aging" on October 7, 2014. . Here are Miklos, Etienne, and Lorraine before the seminar.
Dr. John Scott, Pharmacology Dept., Univ. of Washington, presents his work on April 15,2014.
Dr. Steve Clinton (Ohio State) presented a great seminar on vitamin D and cancer on December 17, 2013. Here Dr. Clinton (center) discusses his work with interested scientists after his seminar.
Dr. Jaffrey asks a question of the seminar speaker, Dr. Saeed Tavazoie, on June 4, 2013.
Dr. Suzanne Zukin gave a great talk on October 8, 2013; her talk was titled "REST-Dependent Epigenetic Remodeling Drives the Developmental Switch in Synaptic NMDARs."
Dr. Frank Giordano presented a research seminar in the Pharmacology Dept. on March 12, 2013. Here he is (left) before the seminar, talking with Dr. Dominick Falcone.
Dr. Leslie Parise, Chair of the Biochemistry and Biophysics Dept at the Medical College, UNC, Chapel Hill spoke on February 25, 2013. Here is Dr. Parise after her seminar with Dr. Aaron Marcus, a faculty member at WCMC, who attended the seminar.
Dr. Stephen Wong, the Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Houston, Tx, an affiliate of Weill Cornell, delivers his talk on "Systems and Chemical Biology Methods for Pathway Driven Drug Repositioning," on January 15, 2013.
Dr. Stephen Wong, the Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Houston, Tx, an affiliate of Weill Cornell, delivers his talk on "Systems and Chemical Biology Methods for Pathway Driven Drug Repositioning," on January 15, 2013.
Dr. Peter Rabinovitch presented his seminar titled: "Mitochondria and Oxidative Stress in Cardiac Aging, Hypertrophy and Failure" on December 18, 2012. Drs. Levi, Szeto, and Rabinovitch after the seminar.
Dr. Peter Rabinovitch presented his seminar titled: "Mitochondria and Oxidative Stress in Cardiac Aging, Hypertrophy and Failure" on December 18, 2012.
Dr. Alexander MacKerell, School of Pharmacy, University of Maryland, presents his research talk on December 4, 2012.
Dr. Miklos Toth answers a question during his research talk on November 20, 2012. The title of his talk was: "Maternal Gene in Epigenetic Programing of Behavior and Disease Across Generations"
Dr. Lester Binder speaks with interested members of the audience after his Pharmacology Dept. seminar on October 9, 2012.
Dr. Rene Hen from Columbia University gave a seminar in the Pharmacology Department on June 19, 2012. Here Dr. Arleen Rifkind speaks with Dr. Hen after his seminar
Dr. Samie Jaffrey asks our Pharmacology Dept. seminar speaker, Dr. Ferre-D'Amare, a question after his seminar on April 10, 2012.
Dr. Roberto Levi, Dr. Roberta Gottlieb, and Dr. Marcus Reidenberg after Dr. Gottlieb's seminar on May 8, 2012.
Dr. Adrian Ferre-D'Amare, from NHLBI, spoke on April 10, 2012, on "Riboswitches, Versatile RNA Regulators of Gene Expression."
Drs. Carl Nathan and Jon Clardy after the talk on February 28, 2012.
Dr. John Schimenti, Professor of Genetics at the College of Veterinary Medicine of Cornell University, gave a research talk titled "DNA Replication and Cancer Genetics in Mice" on January 17, 2012.
Drs. Ron Crystal, Steve Gross, and our Pharmacology Dept. seminar speaker, Dr. Kent Vrana, Chair of the Pharmacology Dept. at Penn State, Hershey, PA. The three attended a reception after the seminar on December 6, 2011.
Dr. Gary Brewer presented his research in the Pharmacology Dept. seminar series on December 20, 2011. Pictured at dinner after the seminar are Drs. Miklos Toth, Frances Gratacos, Dussica Curanovic and Dr. Brewer.
Drs. Lorraine Gudas, Bonnie Sloane (seminar speaker, Chair of Pharmacology Department at Wayne State University) and Arleen Rifkind have dinner after Dr. Sloane's seminar. February 2, 2010
Dr. Al Baldwin, UNC Chapel Hill, April 13, 2010
Dr. John Boylan, the Pharmacology Dept. seminar speaker on October 5, 2010, with his postdoctoral mentor, Dr. Lorraine Gudas.
Drs. Gross, Rifkind, Sauve, and the Pharmacology Invited Seminar Speaker, Dr. Guengerich, at dinner after the seminar on November 30, 2010.
Dr. Matt Gamble giving his research seminar on December 14, 2010. Dr. Gamble received his PhD from Weill Cornell and is now an Asst. Professor in the Dept. of Molecular Pharmacology at Albert Einstein Med. College.
Graduate student Alessia Deglincerti speaks with Dr. Susan Gerbi after Dr. Gerbi's seminar titled "Evolution of Ribosoma RNA: Ribosome biogenesis and coordination with cell division " on March 15, 2011.
Dr. Loren Runnels, Pharmacology Dept. seminar speaker on April 12, 2011, with postdoctoral fellow Dr. Ron Perez after the seminar.
Dr. Lorraine Gudas visits with her former chair, Dr. Chrisopher Walsh, Professor of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Walsh presented the President's Seminar at MSKCC on April 13, 2011.
Dr. Eduardo Farias, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Medicine, Hematology & Medical Oncology, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, presented an excellent seminar titled: "Opposing Effects of RARs Isotypes in Breast Cancer: A New Perspective" on September 27, 2011.

Seminar Title: "Steroid hormone receptors, breast & ovarian cancers"

Professor of Medicine(Primary Appointment) and Pharmacology (Joint appointment)

Tickle Family Land Grant Endowed Chair in Breast Cancer Research

Director, Molecular, Genetic, and Cellular Targets of Cancer Training (NIH/NCI T32) Program

Associate Director of Basic Science & Shared Resources

Masonic Cancer Center

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN


Event Time:
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 - 4:00pm
 Picture of Dr. Hasina Outtz Reed

Seminar Title: "Targeting the Lymphatic Vasculature in Lung Health and Disease"

Hasina Outtz Reed, M.D., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Assistant Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology

Weill Cornell Medicine

Event Time:
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 - 4:00pm
Picture of Dr. Mohamad Hamieh

Seminar Title: TBA

Mohamad Hamieh, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Immunology in Pediatrics

Weill Cornell Medicine

Event Time:
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 4:00pm

Seminar Archives

Weill Cornell Medicine Pharmacology 1300 York Avenue,
Room E-409
New York, NY 10021 Phone: (212) 746-6250 Fax: (212) 746-8835