Dr. Roberto Levi, Professor of Pharmacology, who has been an Associate Editor of the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (JPET) for many years, has been recently appointed JPET Viewpoint Editor, having spearheaded and currently directing a novel initiative based on a new article category called "Viewpoints" meant to improve the appeal and scientific standing of the Journal. JPET Viewpoints present a new and/or unique perspective on manuscripts published in JPET. Viewpoints are meant to highlight current advances and even briefly speculate on future directions of the topic and put it in context using appropriate references. The selected articles and invited Viewpoints are linked and appear in the same JPET issue. Viewpoint authors are chosen for their in-depth knowledge of the topic at hand. Viewpoints are peer-reviewed, and the corresponding author of the editorialized manuscript gets a chance to see and comment on the Viewpoint before publication.