External Advisory Committee Meeting 2018

Cancer Pharmacology Training Grant External Advisory Committee Meeting, March 29, 2018 10 AM to 1 PM

Here are pictures from the meeting, which consisted of six research talks plus a discussion of the training grant goals held on March 29, 2018.

External Advisory Committee Meeting group shot with Dr. Gudas

Trainees at 2018 External Advisory Committee meeting standing together.

Cancer Pharmacology Training Grant Trainees: 2017-2018 Front: Cynthia Quintero (Gudas lab), Dr. Marta Melis (Gudas lab), Claire Oh, (Scheinberg Lab), Dr. Giuseppe Galletti (Giannakakou lab), Dr. Prakrit Jena (Heller lab), Dr. Nawreen Rahman (Buck and Levin lab), Dr. Rubi Singh (Rifkind lab) NOT SHOWN: Christopher P. Horoszko (Heller lab) and Dr. Kona Senevirathne (Luo lab). MARCH 29, 2018

External Advisory Committee Meeting participants sitting at table.


Dr. Lorraine Gudas, Director
Department of Pharmacology
Weill Cornell Medical College 
1300 York Avenue 
New York, NY 10065
Fax: (212) 746-6250

Weill Cornell Medicine Pharmacology 1300 York Avenue,
Room E-409
New York, NY 10021 Phone: (212) 746-6250 Fax: (212) 746-8835