New Admin in Pharmacology, Santiago.
WCM Graduate Students...
Some of the Grad School staff, Denise, Heather, Lucia, Yazmin, Fernando, Roxana with Aileen and Lissett
Dr. Gudas and Dr. Carrasco
Dr. Pleil and. Dr. Geri
Dr. Jaffrey and Dr. Gross and others enjoying the holiday party.
Lissett, Santiago, Aileen and Carlos
Brodie, Jessica, Kyle and Pedro
Dr. Li, Dr. Gudas and Dr. Meghoub and lab affiliates
Dr. Mergoub and Dr. Abdel-Wahab
Jessica Falci and Kyle Planck
As always everyone enjoying the holiday party...
Dr. Rajadhyaksha and Dr. Pleil
Rachel, Cyrus and Yangjingyi
Jorge, Marta and Xiao-Han from the Gudas lab....
A WCM student with Zeffrey Rodrigues, Dept DA.
Dr. Abdel-Wahab and Dr. Lewis
Dr. Rajadhyaksha, Dr. Li and Dr. Pleil
Dr. Merghoub, Dr. Gudas, Dr. Mackett from the Cancer Center
Dr. Abdel-Wahab and Dr. Gudas
Barbara Inturrisi, Dr. Toth, Dr. Inturrisi and Dr. Gardner from PBSB
Dr. David, Dr. Scheinberg, Dr. Abdel-Wahab and Dr. Gudas
Dr. Levin and Dr. Geri
Zaeem, Svena, Millie, Jianjun, Marta, and Eduardo....
Denise Jenkins from the Graduate School...
More folks enjoying the party
The Pharmacology Dept Corridor...
Dr. Scheinberg and Dr. Wagner
The amazing Indian dinner at the Holiday party