Dolce Hotels and Resorts, Norwalk, CT, May 21-22, 2010
1st row: Kasia Marcinkiewicz, Naira rezende, Iva Dincheva, and Jessica Falco
Dr. Arleen Rifkind
Eric Salazar, 5th year, MD/PhD student
Jonathan Chen, 3rd year MD/PhD student
Christina Crump, 3rd year student
Drs. Lorraine Gudas and Hazel Szeto
Drs. Hugh Hemmings and Lonny Levin
Carlos Villa and Rebecca Goldstein
Drs. Jochen Buck and Lonny Levin
1st row: Drs. David Gin, Hazel Szeto and Alex Birk
1st row: students: Tharu Fernando, Stephanie Cordato, Michael Boice and Rui Wang
1st row: students: Kerry Purtell, Eric Salazar, Dominic Johnson, Emily Mercer, and Pamela Wille
1st row: Drs. Roberto Levi, Geoff Abbott and Luca Cartegni
Dr. Karl Herold, Moderator for an oral presentation session
Vikram Kanda, 3rd year student
Lunch time
Drs. Dilhas, Maciej Walczak, Luca Cartegni, students Naira Rezende, Kasia Marcinkiewicz
Drs. Lorraine Gudas and David Scheinberg
Dr. Minkui Luo and student Ronald Bultje
Students Ronald Bultje and Isa Watson
Dr. Tony Taldon
Drs. David Gin and David Scheinberg
Drs. Ronald Perez and Steven Gross
Dr. Anna Rodina and student Tharu Fernando
Student Stephanie Cordato and Dr. Samie Jaffrey
Drs. Charles Inturrisi and Yueming Li, and Student Joel Schrock
Dr. Lonny Levin, Eric Chea, Dr. Samie Jaffrey, Jacob Bitterman, Eric Salazar, Dr. Luca Cartegni, Dr. Gustavo Moura-Letts, and Joel Schrock
Vikram Kanda, Dr. Geoff Abbott, Elizabeth King and Kerry Purtell
Drs. Samie Jaffrey and Yueming Li, students Eric Salazar, Ken Hess and Nick Veomett
Dr. Luca Cartegni and Nick Veomett
Nick Veomett and Dr. Samie Jaffrey
Alex Hansler and Dan Rohle
Kasia Marcinkiewicz and Dr. Ronald Perez
Drs. Hazel Szeto, Evi Giannakakou and Dunli Wu
Kurtis Haro, 5th year student
Prize winner Stephanie Cordato and Dr. Luca Cartegni
Prize winners Rui Wang and Noel Chan, and Dr. Luca Cartegni
Dolce, Norwalk, CT

Jonathan Chen, 3rd year MD/PhD student

Dr. Yuliang Ma

Dominic Johnson and Dr. Silvia Moore

Julie Pickett, 3rd year student

Alex Hansler, 3rd year student

Dr. Eugene Lukyanov and Tal Nuriel

Narae Bae, 3rd year student

Brittany Carson, 3rd year student

Jennifer Chien, 5th year student

Sara Kubek, 5th year student

Dr. Hazel Szeto
Dr. Roberto Levi