Alumni - Current Positions

If you are an alumnus and your information is not up to date, please contact Aileen Rosales at  (212) 746-6250 to provide us with your current information.   

(updated 06/2024)

Name Year of Graduation Advisor's Name Thesis Project Current Position
Christy Mannino 2005 Inturrisi, Charles Pharmacokinetics and Antihyperalgesic Effects of 17 ÌÙ-Estradiol and Progesterone in Ovariectomized Rats. Manager, Medical Science Liaison, King Pharmaceuticals, NY
Alla Zarifyan 2005 Terminal Masters Degree Associate Medical Writer, Acumed
Jonathan Zippin 2005 Levin, Lonny Soluble Adenylyl Cyclase: Compartmentalization of cAMP Signaling and Metabolic Sensing Dermatology Resident, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY
Tsion Bilillign 2004 Thorson, Jon The Cloning and Characterization of the Biosynthetic Gene Clusters for the Pluramycin-Type Antitumor Antibiotics Hedamycin and Pluramycin A. Scientist III, Analytical Biovail Technologies, Ltd.
Jian Chen 2004 Gudas, Lorraine Novel Mechanisms of Signal Initiation Mediated by the Alpha Subunit of the GM-CSF Receptor. Spine Surgeon, Mohawk Valley Orthopedics, Amsterdam, NY
Gang Hao 2004 Gross, Steven S-Nitrosylation of Argininosuccinate Synthetase: A Novel Mechanism that Limits NO Overproduction. Senior Scientist, Progenics Pharmaceuticals, NY
Monica Kolinsky 2004 Gross, Steven Regulation of Tetrahydrobiopterin Synthesis by GTP Cyclohydrolase Feedback Regulatory Protein. Associate at Wiggin and Dana LLP Greater New York City Area
Mona Lee 2004 Scheinberg, David Human Mitochondrial Peptide Deformylase. Research Development officer, UC Discovery Grant, University of California, Berkeley
Jacob Lesniak 2004 Nikolov, Dimitar Structural and Functional Characterization of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Ohr and Escherichia coli OsmC Organic Hydroperoxide Resistance Proteins. Staff Toxicologist, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
Stephen Pitt 2004 Patel, Dinshaw Probing RNA-Ligand Recognition by NMR Spectroscopy: Residual Dipolar Couplings in the Determination of HIV-1 TAR RNA Structural Dynamics. Staff Scientist, Formulation Development, Drug Development Operations, Johnson & Johnson
Nancy Skacel 2004 Bertino, Joseph Characterization of the Functional Dihydrofolate Translational Up-Regulation Response Upon Antifolate Treatment and Comparison Among Species. Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Physiology, Gourge Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences,
Ardesheer Talati 2004 Hirsch, Joy Cortical Systems that Integrate Sensory Information: An fMRI Study. Faculty Member & Associate Research Scientist, Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University Medical Center
Juliana Xu 2004 Gudas, Lorraine Functional Studies of REX-1 Target Genes using F9 Teratocarcinoma Stem Cells as a Model System. Chief Technology Officer, Agria Corporation, NY
John Biggins 2003 Thorson, Jon The Mechanism of CalC - A Protein Conferring Self-Resistance to the Antitumor Antibiotic Calicheamicin within micromonospora echinospora ssp. calichensis Chemical Biologist, LifeMine Therapeutics- Biotechnology Drug Development, Cambridge, MA
Barbara Franklin (Gorfajn) 2003 Terminal Masters Update coming soon