Alumni - Current Positions

If you are an alumnus and your information is not up to date, please contact Aileen Rosales at  (212) 746-6250 to provide us with your current information.   

(updated 06/2024)

Name Year of Graduation Advisor's Name Thesis Project Current Position
Chad Shelton 2009 Li, Yueming Gamma Secretase Regulation and Function in Alzheimer Disease and Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Research Analyst, CNA, Arlington, VA
Branka Stancevic 2009 Kolesnick, Richard Ceramide-Rich Platforms Regulate Ionizing Radiation Sensitivity in Endothelium Assistant Medical Director, Lumenon Medica, New York
Amanda Weyerbacher 2009 Inturrisi, Charles Distinct Temporal and Cellular Signaling Mechanisms Mediate the Initiation and Maintenance of Inflammatory Pain. Senior Scientist, Safety Evaluation, Research and Development L'Oreal USA, Clark , NJ
Erin Bank 2008 Levin, Lonny Adenylyl Cyclase Activity in Plasmodium falciparum: An Essential Carbon Dioxide Sensor and Cell-Cycle Regulator. Research Development Specialist, UCSF, American Journal Experts
Nalini Broadbelt 2008 Felsen, Diane Regulation of iNOS Expression in Response to Pressure in Proximal Tubule Cells. Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School, Brighma and Women's Hospital, Dr. Zhou lab
Eun Choi 2008 Abbott, Geoffrey Regulation of KCNQ1 Potassium Channel Gating and Trafficking by MinK and MiRP2 Analyst, Millennium Partners, LP
Ann Marie Gregus 2008 Inturrisi, Charles Involvement of the GluR5 Subunit of Kainate Receptors in Morphine Tolerance, Cocaine Sensitivity and Cocaine Preference. Postdoctoral Fellow, UCSD, CA
Ronnie Maharaj 2008 Terminal Masters
Jimcy Platholi 2008 Hemmings, Hugh Regulation of Protein Phosphatase-1I in Transient Global Cerebral Ischemia and Reperfusion. Postdoctoral Scholar, UCSD, San Diego, CA
Shiying Shang 2008 Tan, Derek A Unified Synthetic Approach to Polyketides Having Both Skeletal and Stereochemical Diversity. Research Associate at University of Colorado
Sue Ellen Touma 2008 Gudas, Lorraine Analysis of Retinoid Signaling and Metabolism in Urologic Cancers. Scientific Associate, McMahon Group, NY
Weisi Yan 2008 Gross, Steven Functional Protemic Study of Akt Reveals Novel Substrates in Translation. Radiation Oncology Fellow, New York Presbyterian Hospital, NY, NY
Sandra Bruening 2007 Terminal Masters Degree Scientist
Jeanne Farrell 2007 Levin, Lonny The Molecular Identity of Soluble Adenylyl Cyclase.
Christina Fernandez 2007 Gudas, Lorraine Biochemical Analysis of the Role of the Truncated Hoxal Transcript in Cell Differentiation. Scientific Associate, Ogilvy Healthworld, New York, NY