Alumni - Current Positions

If you are an alumnus and your information is not up to date, please contact Aileen Rosales at  (212) 746-6250 to provide us with your current information.   

(updated 06/2024)

Name Year of Graduation Advisor's Name Thesis Project Current Position
Eric Chea 2011 Tan, Derek Design, Synthesis, and Application of Saponin Adjuvant Biochemical Tools Sr. Data Science Manager, McKesson
Jennifer W.Y. Chien Villa 2011 Li, Yueming Mechanism of Hypoxia-Regulated Gamma-secretase in Notch-Mediated Breast Cancer Metastasis Senior Associate, Biomedical Programs at The Pew Charitable Trusts, Philadelphia, PA
Jessica Falco (Marshall) 2011 Sauve, Anthony The Synthesis and use of Small Molecules to Study Sirtuin Mediated Enzyme Reactions Senior Medical Director at Advanced Studies in Medicine (ASiM) Greater New York City Area
Kurtis Haro 2011 Scheinberg, David Mechanisms of Linear Energy Transfer-Dependent Radiation Resistance in Myeloid Leukemia Cells Systems Analyst III at CALIBRE Systems, Inc./National Center for Biotechnology Information Washington D.C. Metro Area
Vikram Kanda 2011 Abbott, Geoffrey KCNE Ancillary Subunits Dictate the Surface Composition and Density of Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels Senior Vice President - Medical Strategy, L&M Healthcare Communications, Boston, MA
Vasundhra Kashyap 2011 Gudas, Lorraine

Transcriptional Regulatory Mechanisms Mediated by Retinoids and RAR in Stem Cells and Fibroblasts

Director, Portfolio Strategy & Partnership Management, Takeda Inc.  Boston, MA

Noel Yan Ki 2011 Levi, Roberto An Unsuspected Property of Natriuretic Peptides: Promotion of Ca2+-dependent Catecholamine Release via PKG-mediated PDE3 Inhibition Postdoctoral Fellow, Departments of Anaesthesia and Medicine, Laboratory of Piero Anversa, M.D., Harvard Medical School
George Boutsalis 2010 Cartegni, Luca Oncogenic Potential of ERG and TMPRSS2:ERG Variants in Prostate Cancer. Scientific Director, Pharmaceuticals, Medscape
Ronald Bultje 2010 Anderson, Stewart Notch Signaling in Forebrain Neurogenesis CEO & Founder of Two Orioles
Nikki Charles 2010 Holland, Eric Nitric Oxide and Notch Signaling in the Glioma Perivascular Niche. Clinical Research Project Manager at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York, New York, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Sindy Noemi Escobar Alvarez 2010 Scheinberg, David Structure and Function of Human Mitochondrial Peptide Deformylase. Senior Program Officer for Medical Research at the Doris Duke Foundation, New York, NY
Freddy Escorcia 2010 Scheinberg, David Anti-vascular Alpha-particle Radioimmunotherapy Selectively Kills Tumor Vasculature and Results in Vascular Remodeling that Enhances Chemotherapeutic Drug Penetration and Efficacy Radiation Oncology Resident (MSKCC)
Clare LeFave 2010 Cartegni, Luca HnRNP H Drives an Oncogenic Splicing Switch in Gliomus. Project Manager, Biomarkers, Greater Philadelphia Area
Judith Mesicek (Escorcia) 2010 Kolesnick, Richard Elucidating the Roles of Human Ceramide Synthase Isoforms in Ionizing Radiation-induced Apoptosis. Medical Strategy Director at Area23, New York, NY
Jeremy Paige 2010 Jaffrey, Samie RNA Analogs of Green Fluorescent Protein for Live Cell RNA Imaging and Development of Small Molecule Sensors Resident Physician at University of Washington Radiology, Seattle, WA